Empower Your Financial Savvy

Through our free workshops members learn practical tips on how to reach goals and improve their personal finances.

2025 Membership Meeting

All members are invited to our annual meeting to hear a brief presentation on the State of the Credit Union and to participate in the election of the Board of Directors.

  • Thursday, April 24 • 11:00 AM • 8210 W. Market St., Greensboro, NC

Reservations are required. Email [email protected] or call 336-662-6250 to reserve your seat.

Board of Directors Nominations by Petition

  • Nominees for the Board of Directors must be 18 years of age, complete a Certificate of Eligibility and Willingness to Serve, sign a release form authorizing a credit and criminal history check, and provide a brief resume.
  • Petitions must be completed on an official Credit Union petition form, which can be obtained from the Marketing Department at 8210 W Market St, Greensboro, NC.
  • Each petition must contain member signatures of at least 1% or 500, whichever is less, of the current Summit Credit Union membership who are eligible to vote in the election of the Board of Directors. Members must be at least 16 years of age to eligible to vote.
  • Completed petitions and accompanying certificates, release forms, and resumes must be received at 8210 West Market St, Greensboro, NC 27409, no later than 12:00pm, March 24, 2025.
For more information regarding the nominations by petition process, please call 336-662-6250.