Auto Loan Calculator
Make sure you can afford that nice set of wheels.
What's the true cost of your next car, truck, or SUV? As far as your budget is concerned, it might not be the official sticker price. It could be more helpful to figure out whether you can manage the monthly payment and also to calculate the total amount you'll pay over the long term when interest costs and fees are factored in.
Frequently Asked Questions
We offer the same low rate for both new and used vehicles. See current auto loan rates.
If a member’s car is a total loss due to collision or theft, GAP (Guaranteed Asset Protection) helps cover the difference between the insurance company’s settlement and the outstanding loan balance. GAP is offered at loan closing, but is not required and is not a factor in determining whether to grant a loan. GAP insurance protects the borrower for the life of the loan and the one-time cost is added to the initial loan balance.
We offer flexible payment terms, up to 96 months.
Summit Credit Union's Auto Buying Service is our no-cost service we offer to members through Enterprise Car Sales to assist with locating a new or used vehicle you are looking for at the very best price.
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